



      Several cases of rabies have been detected on the Hengchun Peninsula this year. To enhance epidemic prevention, staff members of KTNP headquarters have been required to strengthen rabies monitoring and reporting. We urge the public to adhere to the epidemic prevention principles of "not contacting wild animals, not abandoning pets, and ensuring annual rabies vaccination for cats, dogs, and carnivores."

      Additionally, if any dead wild animals are found, they should be reported to the local animal epidemic prevention authority for subsequent management, instead of handled or disposed independently. During the rabies epidemic, visitors are advised NOT to bring pets into the Kenting National Park.

      The following are relevant rabies reporting hotlines:

      1. Rabies Reporting Hotline of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency: 0800-761-590
      2. Pingtung County Animal Disease Control Center :08-7224109.

      If bitten by an animal, the wound should be washed with soap and plenty of water, and sought medical attention immediately. Every county or city has hospitals with rabies vaccine reserves. For inquiries about hospitals, please contact the Epidemic Prevention Hotline:1922.

      On June 13th, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., the Kenting National Park Headquarters will invite personnel from the Pingtung County Animal Disease Control Center to hold a Taiwan rabies epidemic prevention course at their Ecological Learning Center. Welcome to attend and help prevent rabies. 

      • 相關圖片
        1. 狂犬病防疫宣導海報
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