      一、 研究緣起
      墾丁國家公園海域洋生 物資源與景觀極為豐富,尤以珊瑚礁態系最具特色。為針對墾丁國家公園境內現有海域分區進行檢討與規劃,除了收集歷年來之研究資料,亦針對墾丁國家公園海域之生態進行系統性的普查,普查範圍涵蓋現有生態保護區、特別景觀遊憩一般管制以及後壁湖與眺石海洋資源保護示範區。
      二、 研究方法
      由於珊瑚礁生態系是墾丁國家公園的重要特色,因此普查樣點將著於墾丁國家公園現行海域範圍,為了解國家公園海域各分區的底棲群聚現況本研究計畫沿著墾丁國家公園海域範圍內的岸線(由龜山到鼻頭礁但不包含沙灘、港口消波塊區域以及核三廠管制區)選取82個樣點,以進階版珊瑚礁總體檢(Reef Check)調查法進行生物與非生物類別普查,包括珊瑚、魚類、大型底棲無脊椎動物多樣性和底質組成並區分出不同功能群。再以基礎統計算(1)石珊瑚多樣性、(2)活珊瑚覆蓋率、(3)小石珊瑚 豐度、(4)珊瑚礁魚類豐度、(5)魚類多樣性、(6)魚類體長大小與(7)大型底棲無脊椎動物豐度等生物多樣性指標,並以熱點分析與間隙法將以上生物多樣性指標進行疊圖分析,找出墾丁珊瑚礁生物多樣性熱點區。最後將所得的資訊與現有海域分區重疊,找出需要提升保育等級的區塊,作為重新規劃的參考。
      在82個潛水調查樣點,總共獲得6,785筆成體珊瑚物種與長、 2,822 筆小珊瑚多樣性與體長、9,869 筆魚類多樣性與體長、 570 筆大型底棲無脊椎動物多樣性與 1,336 筆棲地底質的多樣性資料。初步統計分析顯示,南灣西側的海域不管是石珊瑚多樣性、活覆蓋率小石豐度礁魚類類多樣性、魚體長大小與型底棲無脊椎動物豐度等生物多樣性指標,整體上都優於南灣東側、恆春半島西岸與的礁區。尤其以後壁湖海洋資源保護示範區、大小硓咕與獨立礁為中心向外放射的圍最完整。此,海育二眺石海洋資源保護示範區海域是墾丁小石珊瑚出現頻率最高的區域,提供桌狀軸孔珊瑚的成體群長形聚,吸引礁魚類與無脊椎動物形成。
      熱點分析結果顯示,西岸的後灣、紅柴;內壁湖保護區眺石區等皆屬於生物多樣性最高熱點區。但以上區域皆不屬於保護與管制層級最高的海生區內。生物多樣性層級次之海域亦有50%其分區 保護等級有待提升。根據間隙分析的結果建議:
      1. 將後灣提升為新的海洋生態保護區。
      2. 將海洋生態保護區(一)的 北界移 至 22° 0.866'N 120° 41.393'E。
      3. 將海洋特別景觀區(一)北界移至 21° 58.417'N 120° 42.874'E
      4. 將後壁湖示範區、海洋公園(三)、海洋特別景觀區(二),以上三區提升為海洋生態保護區, 包含大小咾咕與獨立礁。
      5. 將海洋育樂區(二)的眺石示範區提升為海洋生態保護區,新增海洋生態保護區北界為原眺石示範的, 但南灣沙灘區保留為海育二。
      6. 根據藻礁調查的結果,新增一海洋特別景觀區(藻礁 ),並將海洋生態保護區(四)北界南移至藻礁區(21° 55.911'N 120° 50.919'E。
      7. 港口溪出海規劃新增一洋育樂區專營衝浪與風板運動。
      英文摘要:Keywords: Marine Protected Area, Living coral cover, Ecological surveys
      1. Purpose
      Coral reefs is the major marine ecosystem in the Kenting National Park. In order to
      re-examine the current zoning plan, literature reviews and ecological surveys were
      conducted. The surveyed areas were focused on the zones of Marine Ecological
      Protected Areas, Special Sense Areas, Recreational Areas, General areas and the two
      marine resource protection demonstration areas (MRPDA) in Hobihu and Taioshi.
      2. Methods
      The surveys were conducted along the coastline from Jiupeng to Bitou Reef
      excluding beaches, breakwaters of ports, and the third nuclear powerplant. Eighty-two
      sites were surveyed using modified ReefCheck protocol. Living corals, fishes, macro
      benthic invertebrates and other substrates were recorded. Seven diversity indices
      including coral diversity, living coral cover, juvenile coral abundances, fish diversity,
      abundance and size, and abundance of benthic macro invertebrates were calculated.
      Hotspot and gap analyses were applied to visualize the spatial overlapping of
      biodiversity indices collected onto the current zoning plan in the Kenting National Park.
      3. Results and Recommendations
      Amongst the 82 sites surveyed, diversity and size of 6,785 adult corals, 2,822
      juvenile corals, 9,869 fishes, 570 benthic macro invertebrates, and 1,336 benthic
      substrate types were obtained. Analyses using the 7 indices collected in this survey
      showed the western side of Nanwan has the highest biodiversity, particular in Hobihu
      MRPDA, compared to those of the eastern side of Nanwan, Western and Eastern coast of the Herngchun Peninsula. In addition, the Tiaoshi MRPDA has the highest number and species diversity of juvenile corals suggesting a recruitment hotspot in this area. Hotspot analyses showed Houwan, Hongchai, Hobihu, and Tiaoshi are the
      biodiversity hotspot areas in the Kenting National Park, however, they are not located
      in the ecological protection area of the current zoning plan. Based on the results of GAP analysis we recommended:
      a. To establish Houwan as a new Marine Ecological Protected Area.
      b. To extend the north boarder of Ecological Protected Area (I) to the coordinator
      of 22° 0.866'N 120° 41.393'E.
      c. To extend the north boarder of Marine Special Sense Area (I) to the coordinator
      of 21° 58.417'N 120° 42.874'E.
      d. To establish a new Marine Ecological Protected Area which combines the current zoning areas of Hobihu MRPDA, Marine Park (III), Marine Special Sense Area (III), Big Rock, Small Rock, and Isolated Reefs in the Nanwan.
      e. To establish the Tiaoshi MRPDA as a new Marine Ecological Protection Area.
      f. To establish a new special sense area to cover algal reef at the eastern coast of
      g. To extend the northern boarder of Marine Ecological Protected Area to the coordinator of 21° 55.911'N 120° 50.919'E.
      h. To establish a new Marine Recreation Area in the tidal mouth of Gankou Creek for surfing and windsurfing.
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