      1. 在物種普查上,園區內累計採得21種螢火蟲成蟲,較去年計畫新增3種,包含新發現的2種弩螢(Drilaster spp.)與重新確認的大陸窗螢(Pyrocoelia analis (Fabricius))。大陸窗螢採自網紗社區,未來可能在園區內的西恆春半島發現。
      2. 設定採集法的三種陷阱都能採得螢火蟲,14座陷阱在2009/11/24~ 2010/011/16期間共採得14種175隻螢火蟲與202隻雌光螢科(Rhagophthalmidae)的大場雌光螢(Rhagophthalmus ohbai Wittmer),此一成果已較去年度計畫為高,顯示在墾丁地區冬季到初春是螢火蟲發生的重要季節。飛行攔截網採得的樣本佔絕大部份。以月份而言,12~4月的陷阱採獲量較高。以地點而言,九棚、南仁山與豬勞束山是收穫較高的地區。
      3. 三條穿越線在物種組成與優勢種動態上有相當程度的不同,以南仁山步道2.7K和萬里淂穿越線物種豐度最高,各記錄10種夜行性螢火蟲,1.1K穿越線則有9種。南仁山2.7K各次採樣物種都在3~6種間,3~6月總樣品數都在100隻以上;萬里得物每次採樣種數0~5種,一般為2~4種,總採樣數量最多不超過60隻;南仁山1.1K每次採樣物種數在0~4種間,一般為1~3種,數量上則變化很大,至多可達170隻以上,但物種組成單純。南仁山2.7K與萬里得穿越線的優勢種呈季節變動,南仁山2.7K在初春時優勢種為大端黑螢,春季為紋胸黑翅螢,夏季為端黑螢,晚秋則恢復為紋胸黑翅螢;萬里得春季時為紅胸黑翅螢,夏季則為端黑螢與黃肩脈翅螢,晚秋的優勢種則另外加入山窗螢;南仁山1.1K穿越線春季時螢火蟲種類與數量都不高,5~9月以端黑螢為絕對優勢種,10月山窗螢為優勢種。
      4. 南仁山步道原始林段的螢火蟲相明顯較其他調查地點為多樣,已記錄到墾丁國家公園所有21種螢火蟲中的18種,晚冬到初春有大量螢火蟲發生於此間,但是在次生林段或其他調查地點則幾乎沒有夜行性螢火蟲,呈現明顯對比,而這些在初春出現的螢火蟲種類在其他地點也只被零星採得。社頂地區則有其他地區所沒有的姬脈翅螢。在保育上這兩個地區是重點區域。條背螢在園區內的分布範圍西邊與北邊至大山母山,南至香蕉灣附近,東至聯勤招待所,南仁山塊並無分布,而條背螢由於發光明亮且鮮少飛離棲息地,是極佳的賞螢物種,此一區塊應加以妥善管理,可評估經營賞螢活動的可能。
      5. 分析穿越線調查結果與當地氣候關係,發現在各種螢火蟲發生盛期時,採樣的數量與採樣間平均溫度或當日溫度有關,但是離峰期時,溫度與累積降水量則和螢火蟲成蟲變化無明顯相關。設定採集法的結果顯示,設置在南仁山原始林、里徳次生林與九棚干擾地的陷阱的採樣品數量都很多,多樣性指標較高,但是構成的主要物種並不同,分別是6種螢火蟲典型的發生區。樹冠遮蔽度太高或太低都導致飛行攔截網的蒐集效果不佳。設置於同一地點的飛行攔截網效果較其他陷阱(馬氏網與三用網)在採集螢火蟲的效果上為佳。設置於原始林的馬氏網較設置於同一區域次生林的馬氏網效果為佳。
      6. 社區螢火蟲調查中,目前設有欖仁溪穿越線1條,在社頂社區、社頂公園與社頂—風吹砂之間各有一個觀察點,欖仁溪與社頂公園並設立3座設定採集陷阱。欖仁溪的螢火蟲種類豐富,但數量呈現不穩定狀態,最高時一個小時採獲量超過200隻,但是最低時僅有3隻,一般不超過55隻。社頂的條背螢發生期在5月下旬開始出現,但是在各觀察點間約有3週的差異,以社頂社區生態池的發生最晚。目前使用定點5分鐘目視觀察估計數量,各地點的條背螢在5~35隻之間,約在9月時達到顛峰,10月下旬以後沒有條背螢成蟲。設定採集陷阱則成效不佳。由於欖仁溪的螢火蟲發生狀況不易掌握,建議結合賞蟹、賞蛙等項目做為夜間觀察活動。
      1. 立即可行的建議 — 與螢火蟲生態相關之動物相調查
      2. 中長期性建議 — 未來螢火蟲社群動態之監測
      英文摘要:Fireflies are significant ecotourism resources in Taiwan. The object of the present study was to survey the firefly fauna in Kenting National Park (NTKP), including its species diversity, phonologies, community composition and seasonal dynamics of dominant species. In addition to day-time collecting, biweekly quantitative samplings in the night were made on three transect lines, and 14 installed collecting traps were set up to make long term point-collectings. Fourty-one field surveys were done during 2009/3/8~2010/11/16. A total of 21 firefly species were recorded in the field, including one undetermined Luciola (s. lato) species and three Drilaster species. The Nanrenshan Ecological Reserve (NRSER) had the highest biodiversity of fireflies in NTKP, especially in its primary forests. Eighteen out of the 21 species can be found here. The dominant species in the NRSER primary forest changed seasonally, from Luciola anceyi (Feb.), Luciola filiformis (Mar. to Jun.), Luciola praeusta (May to Jul.), Pyrocoelia praetexta (Oct.), L. filiformis again (Oct. to Nov.), to P. praetexta again (Dec.). Seasonal change was not that complicated in the secondary forest where the L. praetexta dominated most of the seasons except in early spring (Feb. to March) and winter (Nov. to Jan.). Curtos mundulus was also dominant in some secondary forests but never in the NRSER primary forests. The installed collecting traps captured 14 species and 175 fireflies and 202 males of a rhagophthalmid species in total. Flight interception trap was found more effective and efficient in collecting fireflies than Malaise and SLAM traps were. Traps set in Jiupeng, Mt. Zhulaoshu and primary forest of NRSER yielded better collection than those in the other localities. In comparison with the other areas in Taiwan, the phenologies for most firefly species in KTNP were found either taking place earlier or lasting much longer. For instance, L. filiformis and L. praeusta, each had an adult season for 11 and 10 months in NRSER, respectively. The other species like Luciola kagiana, L. anceyi and Pyrocoelia formosana emerged as early as in December, and their adult seasons stopped at March when their conspecifics just started appearing in the other areas. The obtained results will serve as a reference to the National Park for its firefly resource management and developing companionship with local communities for firefly conservation. To understand the biological resources significant to firefly habitats, field survey on the fauna and seasonal abundance of some invertebrates such as land snails and earthworms, which are preys of firefly larvae, should have a high priority in the near future. Future monitoring on the dynamics of the firefly communities could be scheduled in different time intervals and made in different ways, depending on the characteristics of habitats.
      英文關鍵字:firefly, biodiversity, phenology, communities, resource utilization
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