      在後壁湖海洋資源保護示範區之亞潮帶,設立5個固定測站:潟湖外、餵魚區、花園、小咾咕(雙峰藍洞)與獨立礁,執行1年2次的野外調查。另外選擇保護區內2個地點(大咾咕、花園外礁),以及核三廠出、入水口外為非固定測站,各進行1次調查。以穿越線潛水觀測法 (Visual Strip-Transects Method),調查測線內各魚種的種類、體長大小及數量,進行群聚分析。另依珊瑚礁總體檢(Reef Check)調查方法,記錄多測站之底質及無脊椎動物的現生情形。
      本年度在後壁湖海洋資源保護區內的5個固定測站及2個非固定測站中,共計調查到47科366種魚類,調查所得的魚類其中有4種為臺灣新記錄種:威氏壯牙鰕虎Macrodontogobiius wilburi、點斑櫛鰕虎Ctenogobiops pomastictus、羅氏刻齒雀鯛Chrysiptera rollandi及胸斑雀鯛Pomacentrus alexanderae。在各測站所出現的魚種不一,保護區魚種明顯較高。其魚類種數依序為:後壁湖餵魚區Ⅱ(129種)>後壁湖花園Ⅰ(128種)>後壁湖餵魚區Ⅰ(125種)>後壁湖花園外礁(123種)>後壁湖花園Ⅱ(121種)>大咾咕(114種)>雙峰藍洞Ⅰ(101種)>雙峰藍洞Ⅱ(97種)>後壁湖潟湖前(84種)>獨立礁峭壁底Ⅱ(76種)>獨立礁淺坪頂Ⅱ(73種)>後壁湖潟湖區(72種)>出水口一線天(62種)>獨立礁淺坪頂Ⅰ(44種)>獨立礁峭壁底Ⅰ(40種)。目前出現在舊保護區內的魚種及數量較新納入保護的海域為多,顯示保護示範區所執行的保育措施對魚類的保護有正面的效益。而今年造成南臺灣大淹水,並對蘭嶼綠島珊瑚造成嚴重死亡的莫拉克颱風,並未對後壁湖海洋資源保護區的魚類造成重大影響。
      中長期建議—1. 擴大保護區範圍 2. 逐步減少餵魚行為
      英文摘要:Keywords: Marine Protected Areas, coral reef, fish, biodiversity, Houbihu
      Situated on Taiwan's southernmost Hengchun Peninsula, Kenting National Park, established in 1984, is characterized by rich natural resources, beautiful landscapes and fascinating underwater scenery. Apart from plains and hills, the park covers the coastal area stretching across 15,206 ha of the sea, encompassing one of a few marine regimes where coral reefs are well-flourished. In recent years, however, the coral reef ecosystem has faced a variety of threats, ranging from ship-wreck to oil pollution, from heavy sedimentation to sewage discharge, from coral bleaching to sea-anemone outbreak and from typhoon disturbance to overfishing. The degradation of coral communities is evident in many locations. Many of the impacts can be linked to natural changes. The increasing eco-tourism also brings human impacts in addition to natural disturbances.
      With the urge from local community groups and educational establishments, Houbihu marine resource protection demonstration-area was officially launched by the national park authority on March 30, 2005 for the purpose of biodiversity conservation. This 150 ha MPA covers a coastal lagoon that was formerly a sea urchin protection area, and the sub-tidal area adjacent to it. The MPA is defined as a no-take area. Basically, all fishery activities are excluded from this area while snorkeling and scuba activities are restricted to readily monitored locations. This no-take regulation is strictly enforced by the National Park Police. Anyone who has been caught catching sea urchins and/or other invertebrates, spearing or angling fishes will be charged with law violation. The penalty could be up to 15 000 NT$. The management has led to dramatic changes on the coral reefs in the MPA. Fishes rarely observed in this area before started to appear. The population sizes of fishes such as snappers, damselfishes and wrasses have increased in two to threefold. This promising outcome has been welcome to the local community. After a revision made in 2008, the area of Houbihu MPA was expanded to 180 ha and another, namely, Tiaoshi marine resource protection demonstration-area was newly announced. Currently the MPAs are continuously monitored.
      Results from a monitoring scheme undertaken in Houbihu MPA show that a total of 366 fish species from 47 families was recorded at five fixed and two temporary underwater stations in 2009. Among them three species, namely, Macrodontogobiius wilburi Herre 1936, Ctenogobiops pomastictus Lubbock & Pulonin 1977, Chrysiptera rollandi (Whitley 1961) and Pomacentrus alexanderae Evermann & Seale 1907 are newly recorded species in Taiwan. Moreover, more fish species had occurred at the station in the MPA than before. The corals were also in good conditions, as indicated by the coral coverage of 54%, 53%, 49%, 45% and 30% respectively at the five fixed stations. Overall, it demonstrates that setting up the MPA with strong supports from regulation enforcements is an appropriate measure for biodiversity conservation in Kenting National Park. The restored and protected fish and invertebrate stocks are expected to enhance recruitments, helping the biological resource to renew itself in the adjacent habitats, thereby to maintain ecosystem productivity and ensure sustainable use of the resource. This achievement has convinced people widely of the need for marine conservation in general and for MPAs in particular. It is thus anticipated that establishments of many new MPAs will be forthcoming in Taiwan.
      英文關鍵字:Marine Protected Areas, coral reef, fish, biodiversity, Houbihu
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