      「106年度墾丁國家公園黃狂蟻入侵狀況調查與防治策略研擬」、「106年度港口地區黃狂蟻調查」、「107年度墾丁國家公園黃狂蟻監測與防治計畫」的調查結果,顯示在墾丁國家公園園區內主要的陸蟹分布熱區 (香蕉灣、砂島及港口) 有較高密度黃狂蟻族群數量的分布,且已經形成的超級群落 (supercolony) 現象,陸蟹個體遷移降海釋幼的時期,發現陸蟹個體在遷移降海釋幼的過程中,被黃狂蟻攻擊的頻率非常明顯,而成為墾丁陸蟹族群非常大的威脅。為因應黃狂蟻的危害,「108年度墾丁國家公園黃狂蟻防治監測成效評估計畫」使用液態餌劑防治後灣、香蕉灣、砂島與港口樣區的黃狂蟻,並提出具體監測及防治標準作業程序(SOP)。「109年度墾丁國家公園黃狂蟻人工誘引盒防治計畫」使用黃狂蟻人工蟻巢誘引盒,在香蕉灣、砂島、港口樣區,共清除約500隻蟻后和46萬隻工蟻。「110年墾丁國家公園黃狂蟻防治計畫」 針對香蕉灣與港口海岸林進行餌劑防治施撒作業,共清除約1,150隻蟻后和約25萬隻工蟻。「111年墾丁國家公園黃狂蟻防治計畫」延續110年的防治方式並增加防治月份 (3月至8月),共清除約1,962隻蟻后和約37萬隻工蟻。本年度計畫延續前期計畫,並增加香蕉灣和港口樣區的餌劑劑量,以及增加砂島樣區為餌劑防治範圍。本年度計畫執行結果為於香蕉灣、砂島、港口三個樣區共誘集131盒蟻巢、蟻后1,159隻,工蟻個體數約169,714隻,其中港口的黃狂蟻蟻巢數、工蟻個體數都較香蕉灣和砂島多。而蟻后個體數則為香蕉灣最多,港口和砂島較相近。相較於前3個年度在相同樣區的調查數據,112年誘引到的黃狂蟻蟻巢數百分比均較前三年度低,工蟻個體數也較其他年度同月份低。在有進行液態餌劑與昆蟲生長調節劑型餌劑防治的3月至8月中,蟻巢和工蟻個體數均遠低於前三年的相同月份。結果顯示餌劑防治對超級群落中的工蟻數量減少是有明顯的成效,且因工蟻數量降低而造成超級群落中衛星蟻巢數目相對減少,而使超級群落中的蟻后有集中趨勢,此有利以誘引盒移除蟻后的效果。
      英文摘要:Survey findings of [Invasion status of Anoplolepis gracilipes and formulation of control strategies in Kenting National Park, 2017], [Invasion status of Anoplolepis gracilipes in Gangkou area, 2017] and [Monitoring and control plan for Anoplolepis gracilipes in Kenting National Park, 2018] indicated a distribution of high density Anoplolepis gracilipes populations in the main land crab hotspots (Hsiangchiaowan, Shadao and Gangkou) within Kenting National Park, and showed signs of supercolony formation. In breeding migration season, the frequency of ovigerous females attacked by A. gracilipes workers was quite noticeable during their migration to the ocean for larval release. To address the harmful effects of A. gracilipes, the [The evaluation of control and monitoring of Anoplolepis gracilipes in Kenting National Park, 2019] applied liquid baits to control A. gracilipes at Houwan, Hsiangchiaowan and Gangkou areas, specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for monitoring and control purposes were proposed as well. [Control plan of Anoplolepis gracilipes in Kenting National Park using artificial ant nest, 2020] deployed artificial ant nests at Hsiangchiaowan, Shadao and Gangkou areas, successfully eliminated approximately 500 queen ants and 460,000 worker ants. [Control plan of Anoplolepis gracilipes in Kenting National Park, 2021] targeted coastal forest of Hsiangchiaowan and Gangkou for bait application, resulted in the total removal of approximately 1,150 queens and 250,000 workers. [Control plan of Anoplolepis gracilipes in Kenting National Park, 2022] followed the control methods of previous year and extended the treatment period (from March to August), successfully eliminated approximately 1,962 queens and 370,000 workers. This year’s plan followed the previous one and increases the bait dosage at Hsiangchiaowan and Gangkou areas, and also expands the treatment area to include Shadao area. The execution of this year’s plan resulted in the total collection of 131 artificial ant nests, 1,159 queen ants, and approximately 169,714 worker ants at three study sites (i.e., Hsiangchiaowan, Shadao and Gangkou). Among them, the numbers of ant nests and worker ants in Gangkou area were higher than that of Hsiangchiaowan and Shadao areas; The highest number of queen ants was observed in Hsiangchiaowan, while the number of queens were relatively similar between Gangkou and Shadao. Compared to the survey data from the previous three years in the same study sites, the percentage of A. gracilipes nests collected this year was much lower, and the number of worker ants was also lower than in the same month of previous years. When both liquid bait and insect growth regulator bait were applied from March to August, the number of ant nests and worker ants was significantly lower than that of same months of previous three years. The results show that bait treatment has a noticeable effect on reducing the number of workers in the supercolony. Due to the decrease in the number of workers, there is a corresponding reduction in the number of satellite ant nests in the supercolony. Consequently, queen ants in supercolony tend to coalesce, and this phenomenon is advantageous for removing queens through the use of wooden boxes.
      英文關鍵字:Anoplolepis gracilipes, land crab, alien species, supercolony, bait treatment, disturbance
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