      摘 要
      小苗更新動態的調查,有助於瞭解森林的組成、結構及演替過程。本研究於墾丁國家公園南仁山生態保護區步道3.4 K南、北兩側森林內,共設置45個2 m × 0.5 m小苗樣區,每月調查木本植物苗木高度及出生死亡之動態變化,並調查樣區所處林分的樹種組成。由小苗樣區中選取30種苗木測定其光合作用光補償點及暗呼吸率,並測定4種耐陰樹苗及2種非耐陰樹苗,分別長在強光與弱光環境,植株的生理可塑性及葉部形態可塑性。本研究也調查20種迎風坡森林樹種的物候表現,並持續監測氣象因子。
      2006年6月的調查,記錄到兩樣區有69種木本植物小苗,以日本賽衛矛為最多,其次為臺灣八角、恆春石斑木及九節木,小苗平均密度每m2達31.3株。樣區所在的森林組成共有72種胸徑大於1 cm的樹種,其中有54種的小苗出現在本研究小苗樣區中,另有18種沒記錄到小苗。小苗樣區中的69種組成植物中有15種不是森林大樹的組成份。小苗組成中高達42%的植株高度低於10 cm,且其淨高生長一年約只有1~2 cm。2006年新生苗出現的高峰期為2月至3月,達78株,佔全年度新生苗總數的35%,苗木死亡則以8月最多。合併兩樣區的Shannon多樣性指數,在2005年9月以後即維持在約3.2,但2006年8月有明顯下降。2005年7月海棠颱風來襲後,南側樣區一個月後即長出大量小苗,但北側樣區7個月後才大量發生陽性樹種蟲屎的小苗。颱風雖破壞樹冠但可增加地表光量有效度,可使土壤種子庫中的種子發芽,並促進小苗高生長。經測定30種苗木的光合作用性狀,發現24種耐陰樹苗的光合作用光補償點在3~8 μmol m-2 s-1範圍,非耐陰種在10~17 μmol m-2 s-1範圍。在可塑性方面,發現生長在弱光環境的4種耐陰樹苗台灣八角、大頭茶、奧氏虎皮楠及恆春石斑木有很低的暗呼吸率、光補償點及光飽和點,但生長在強光環境的植株上述光合作用性狀可有大幅度的提升。然而,非耐陰種白桕及白匏仔生長在強光的樹苗具有較高的光飽和光合作用率。此6種樹苗中以恆春石斑木的生理可塑性最高,大頭茶的葉部形態可塑性最高,白匏仔此兩方面的可塑性均最低。耐陰樹苗光合作用對光量的可塑性高於非耐陰樹苗。在物候觀察方面,2006年1至11月間有15樹種開花,有10種結果。

      (一) 本計畫所監測的氣象、小苗更新動態及植物物候表現,這三項都是生態系重要的基礎資訊,也都需要長期的監測才能看出變化趨勢,只有短期間的調查是無法了解生態現象的全貌,因此上述監測項目需要長期的經費支持。
      (二) 由小苗更新動態的數據發現,南仁山迎風坡的森林,小苗組成及數量都比台灣北部的福山森林多,值得重視。此種豐富且珍貴的生物多樣性現況是國家公園設立保護區始能維持的結果。由此可見生態保護區的設立對本國的生物資源的保存與永續利用具有正面的價值,應持續維持南仁山生態保護區目前良好的遊客人數管制及警力巡守,並增加教育宣導措施。
      KEYWORD:forest regeneration, plant phenology, physiological plasticity, typhoon disturbance, understory light
      We set up two weather stations to monitor temperature, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation and light intensity, one at Nanjenshan research station and one by Nanjen lake of Kenting National Park. Forty-five 2 m × 0.5 m plots were set up in both sides of the forest at 3.4 K of Nanjenshan trail. All seedlings in the plots were identified, tagged, and seedling height recorded on monthly basis. We also observed the phenology of 20 species along the trail and at the south side of 3.4 K forest. There were totally 69 species, with mean seedling density of 31 stem per m2, being recorded in the 45 plots on March 2006. Rhaphiolepis indica, Microtropis japonica, Illicium arborescens, and Psychotria rubra are the dominant species of seedlings. As for the forest compositions, we recorded 72 tree species which has individuals of breast-height diameter greater than 1 cm. Among them, seedlings of 54 tree species appeared, and the other 18 species did not, in our 45 seedling plots. On the other hand, 15 out of the 69 species in our seedling plots were absent in the previous mentioned forest compositions. For seedling community, 43% of the seedlings were smaller than 10 cm and their annual net increment of height were only about 1 to 2 cm. Peak mortality was on August, while peak recruits occurred between February and March in 2006. Although typhoon Haitang damaged the forest canopy, but the light availability to the forest floor increased. Consequently, both the seed germination from soil seed bank and the seedling height growth are enhanced. For the physiological measurements, the light compensation points of 24 shade tolerant species were between 3 and 8 μmol m-2s-1. Six shade intolerant species, on the other hand, had light compensation points of 10-17 μmol m-2s-1. Four shade tolerant species, Illicium arborrescens, Gordonia axillaris, Daphniphyllum glaucescensi, and Rhapyiolepis indica var. hiiranensis, as well as 2 shade intolerant species, Spaium discolor and Mallotus paniculatus were investigated to calculate their physiological and morphological plasticity index. Results revealed that seedlings of the 4 shade tolerant species grown under dim light all had low dark respiration rate, light compensation point, and light saturation point, while these photosynthetic characteristics would increase for the seedlings grown under strong light. However, seedlings of shade intolerant species grown under strong light showed higher light saturated photosynthetic rates. Among these 6 species, R. indica exhibited the highest physiological plasticity; G. axillaris had the highest leaf morphological plasticity; and M. paniculatus showed the lowest in both plasticity indexes. Photosynthesis of shade tolerant species showed higher plasticity to light than that of shade intolerant species.
      英文關鍵字:forest regeneration, plant phenology, physiological plasticity, typhoon disturbance, understory light
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