      摘 要
      本研究於墾丁國家公園南仁山生態保護區,步道3.4 K南北側森林共設置44個面積1 m2的樣區,觀察樹高小於1 m植株的高生長,以及小苗每個月的出生死亡動態變化。在南仁山迎風及背風坡森林分別搭建可及樹冠上層的高塔,測定迎風樹種的嶺南青剛櫟、大頭茶及錐果櫟,以及背風樹種的印度栲、茄苳及江某的光合作用日變化,比較兩類樹種在東北季風期及非風季碳收支的差異。另一試驗在屏科大苗圃以3.5及5.5 m s-1固定風速,試驗迎風與背風樹種苗木葉片耐風吹機械傷害的差異。第二項吹風試驗在南仁湖邊設置吹風及擋風設施,比較在自然條件下迎風及背風樹苗忍受風的機械危害的能力。本研究也持續在步道3.4 K南側森林調查22種迎風坡森林樹種,共120株樹木每個月的物候表現。
      2009年10月記錄到動態樣區內共有65種植物,共計1399株,密度平均為32株m-2,以日本賽衛矛、台灣八角及恆春石斑木的小苗密度最高,平均1 m2面積分別有4.7、3.0及2.5株。2009年至10月止記錄到新生苗249株,死亡小苗441株,8月8日莫拉克颱風後3個月共死亡227株死亡,死亡株數較其它季節高出甚多,死亡植株大小以5-9 cm高度級較多。本研究調查到的60種樹種的新生苗,在出生後三個月大多能有90%以上的存活率,其中有42種苗齡滿一年時可維持60%以上的成活率。本試驗地新生苗萌發較多的月份是3月及9月。樹冠上層葉片光合作用日變化的測定,發現迎風樹種(嶺南青剛櫟、錐果櫟及大頭茶)於東北季風期白天累計平均碳收穫平均為3.7 g cm-2 10 h-1,較非風季時(3.3 g cm-2 10 h-1) 高,然而背風樹種(茄苳、江某及印度栲)在兩期間碳收穫均為3.8 g cm-2 10 h-1。在屏科大苗圃進行吹風試驗結果顯示,在3.5及5.5 m s-1兩種風吹處理下,迎風樹種的葉片機械損傷率皆顯著較背風樹種低,且迎風樹種經過100天的吹風,生物量與對照組並無顯著差異,背風樹種則多會顯著降低,較易遭受風的傷害。在南仁湖邊的吹風試驗,也證實背風樹種的葉片比迎風樹種較易遭受風的機械損傷,顯示迎風樹種葉片結構已有適應東北季風長期慢性擾動的機制。於2009年物候調查的22種樹種中有20種開花,僅錐果櫟與恆春石斑木未記錄到開花,但此兩種有記錄到結果。統計2002年至今八年期間所監測的15種樹種中,台灣八角、大頭茶、日本賽衛矛每年都有結果;從2005年才開始調查,至今五年期間捲斗櫟、恆春楨楠、珊瑚樹每年都有結果;2007年才開始調查的杏葉石櫟,每年都有結果。
      (一) 本計畫所監測的小苗更新動態、植物物候表現,以及南仁山迎風坡、背風坡樹種適應東北季風長期慢性擾動的反應,此三項都是此生態系獨特且重要的事項,也都需要長期的監測才能看出變化趨勢,只有短期間的調查是無法了解生態現象的全貌,因此上述研究需要長期的經費支持以獲得基礎資訊。
      (二) 由小苗更新動態的數據發現,南仁山迎風坡的森林,小苗組成及數量都比台灣北部的福山森林多,值得重視。此種豐富且珍貴的生物多樣性現況是國家公園設立保護區始能維持的結果。由此可見生態保護區的設立對本國的生物資源的保存與永續利用具有正面的價值,應持續維持南仁山生態保護區目前良好的遊客人數管制及警力巡守,並增加教育宣導措施。
      KEYWORD:Kenting National Park, regeneration, plant phenology, photosynthesis, carbon gain, monsoon wind.
      There were totally 1399 seedlings of 65 species recorded in the dynamic sampling plots as of October, 2009. The average density of these seedlings was 32 seedlings per m2 with Microtropis japonica, Illicium arborescens, and Rhapyiolepis indica var. hiiranensis having higher density, which were 4.7, 3.0, and 2.5 seedlings per m2, respectively. We recorded 249 new recruits and 441 deceased seedlings by October 2009. There were totally 227 seedlings died 3 months after typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan at August 8th, 2009. This number of dead seedlings was much more than in other seasons. Most of the dead seedlings were between 5~9 cm in height. Among the 60 species of recruits, 90% of them survived 3 months after birth; 42 species of them maintained their survival rate at more than 60% after one year. Most of the new recruits occurred in March and September. In addition, we measured the diurnal photosynthesis at the up-most canopy in every season. Results showed that windward species (including Cyclobalanopsis championii, C. longinux, and Gordonia axillaris) accumulated 3.7 g cm-2 10 h-1 of carbon gains during northeastern monsoon season, which was higher than the carbon gains (3.3 g cm-2 10 h-1) during non-windy seasons. However, carbon gains of leeward species (including Bischofia japonica, Schefflera octophylla, and Castanopsis indica) was 3.8 g cm-2 10 h-1 during both monsoon and non- monsoon seasons. Wind-blow experiments conducted in the nursery of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology showed that leaves of windward species suffered less mechanical damages than leaves of leeward species did under wind speeds of 3.5 and 5.5 m s-1. Furthermore, after 100 days of wind-blowing, no significant difference in the biomass was observed between wind-blow and control for the windward species. Leeward species that treated with wind-blow, on the other hand, had significantly less biomass than control, indicating they were more susceptible to winds. Wind-blowing experiments conducted in Nanjen lake site also confirmed that leeward species was more prone to wind damage, and that leaves of windward species had developed some structure mechanisms for adapting to long-term chronic disturbance by northeastern monsoon. Phenology of 22 species in 2009 showed that 20 species of them flowered. Only e and c was not recorded having flowered, but they did bear fruits. Among the 15 species monitored from 2002 till now, I. arborescens, G. axillaris, and M. japonica bears fruits every year. Among species monitored since 2005, Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma, Machilus obovatifolia, and Viburnum odoratissimum bears fruits every year. Among species monitored since 2007, Lithocarpus amygdalifolius bears fruits every year.
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