      「112 年墾丁國家公園萬里桐海域生態保護區環境教育培力推動計畫」委託辦理案
      一、 計畫緣起
      近年來萬里桐海域潮間帶的生態資源因不當的遊憩行為及採捕壓力,造成生物多樣性的急遽下降。在墾丁國家公園第四次通盤檢討後,將萬里桐海域,由原本的海洋遊憩區海底公園 (海公二) ,變更為海域生態保護區 (海生一) ,以復育海洋生態系。本透過 110~111 年之計畫已初步提升社區參與保護區經營管理之意願及程度,本計畫持續提升社區參與民眾之環境教育及解說能力,培訓其成為正式解說員,進行環境教育服務業務之優化與調整,同時持續號召組織社區民眾參與生態保護區之環境巡守工作,以社區參與巡守的方式同時累積保護區之生態資料,作為保護區經營管理之參考。期能透過社區培力發揮保護區環境教育之價值,同時為社區經濟與生態環境帶來正向的挹注及發展。
      二、 研究方法與過程
      三、 重要成果
      本計畫上半年共辦理社區解說員培訓課程 65 小時,完成社區解說員考核,共 12 位社區夥伴通過解說員考核,並正式成立社區解說巡守隊。另社區居民自主進行保護區巡守共 33 次、潮間帶保護區生態監測 4 次、與在地學校山海國小合作潮間帶環境教育課程共 6 堂,並針對未來社區參與保護區經營管理及組織運作辦理社區溝通會議 15 場次、與管理處保育科工作會議 1 場次、對外推廣活動 3 場次、外部社區參訪交流 1 場次。
      四、 主要建議
      1. 確立社區可自主營運之計畫和法源依據
      2. 提升解說員之環境教育及經營管理知能
      3. 持續與業者溝通進行遊客環境教育
      4. 拓展社區內外的合作 關係
      計畫類別:[環境水文] [規劃] [動物生態]
      In recent years, the ecological resources of the intertidal zone in the Wanlitong
      have declined due to inappropriate recreational behavior and catching pressure. After
      the fourth overall review of Kenting National Park, Conservation zoning of the
      Wanlitong area was changed from the marine recreation area to the marine ecological
      protection area to restore the marine ecosystem. The projects over the past two years
      had researched on the protected area to understand the status of the resources,
      establish ecological interpretation materials, and participate in discussions with local
      people in Wanlitong, linking citizen participation and environmental protection, the
      possibility of Wanlitong moving towards the environmental education model of the
      reserve, to implement the management of marine resource reserves to make the local
      ecological environment sustainable.
      The purpose of this project this year is to train and organize local people in
      Wanlitong to establish a formal citizen patrol, empower people ability of
      interpretation, monitoring and organizing, construct the environmental education
      operation model of the community participation of the reserve, expand the
      cooperation with the local resort, dive shop and primary school, with a view to
      promote community participation in national park protected area management.
      By integrating the biological resources of Wanlitong intertidal zone into the
      environmental education program explanation materials, the community is trained to
      organized formal interpretation and patrol team and guided to participate in
      monitoring, through internal course training, external experience group exchanges,
      and environmental educational activities , to strengthen the community's core
      conservation connotation of community development environmental education, and
      assisted the Kenting National Park Headquarters to develop a feasible plan suitable
      for Wanlitong community residents to participate in the management of the intertidal
      zone, and put forward short, medium and long-term management suggestions.
      In the part of promoting local people to participate in environmental
      education, the achievements this year is to build consensus among the Wanlitong
      community and strengthen community development environmental education by
      holding 65 hours marine biology and environmental education concept training
      courses and guide certification (12 community partners got certified and the
      community interpretation and patrol team was officially established), , organizing 6
      intertidal zone courses with Shanhai Primary School and 3 environmental
      educationation activities for general public, Xiaoliuqiu island and Lide community
      environmental education exchange and visit workshops, 12 community
      communication meetings in the community, 1 meetings with Kenting National Park
      Headquarters and experts , going on 33 times patrol and conducting the ecosystem
      and environment monitoring in the reserve for each season.
      In addition, based on this year's community communication meeting, the relevant
      issues of the project were reviewed, and short, medium and long-term management
      suggestions for the Wanlitong Ecological Reserve were compiled.
      As the followings are the suggestions of next, mid-term and long-term strategies.
      For immediate strategies:
      1. Enforcement Rules and regulations for environmental education in marine
      ecological protection area must be launched and completed.
      2. The environmental education knowledge and interpretation skills of
      community partners should be promoted.
      3. Communicate and cooperate with Tourist industry to promote
      environmental education in marine ecological protection area.
      4. Building cooperation relationship with more communities.
      英文關鍵字: Wanlitong, intertidal zone, community participation
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