      106年度墾丁國家公園臺灣梅花鹿野外族群 監測調查及族群管理策略研擬
      墾丁國家公園過去在社頂等地積極進行臺灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus,以下簡稱梅花鹿)的復育與野放,經過二十多年後,梅花鹿已成功在墾丁國家公園內建立穩定族群,卻也為當地的農作物、森林、交通帶來負面影響,故應正視目前墾丁地區上演的梅花鹿問題。墾丁地區的梅花鹿尚缺少如年齡比、性別比、懷孕率、仔鹿出生率、存活率等相關的基礎生態資訊,故族群量與族群結構調查等基礎資料的收集是當前首要的工作項目,也是未來實施各種梅花鹿族群經營管理手段的重要基礎。
      本研究利用方格法架設自動相機,探討梅花鹿分布現況。族群量估算方面則搭配空拍機計算基準方格內的族群數量,再推估各方格的梅花鹿族群量。GnRH避孕疫苗則藉由血清抗體力價與發情期外陰部觀察、產仔率,估算疫苗的效果。雄性精子避孕疫苗部分,則使用western blot、免疫組織化學染色探討80 KDa HSA在雄鹿睪丸的表現,另外亦藉由主動免疫和精子活力檢查,探討Peptide NT of 80 KDa HSA主動免疫對雄鹿精子活動力的影響。梅花鹿捕捉流程建置方面,針對不同捕捉環境與需求,設計以自動化之捕捉工具與流程,並在野外實地進行捕捉。太陽能電圍欄試驗同時於梅花鹿復育園區與港口溪以南的農損區域進行;物理圍網則結合梅花鹿復育園區原有圍網形成一較大的試驗場地,期望能找出最有效益的圍欄高度與密度組合,提供未來墾管處作為提升圍欄效益之參考。農損時空分布則持續對農損受災戶進行訪談,並彙整以往資料,建構梅花鹿農損的空間分布與時間趨勢變化,並將發生時間與地點數位化,以利後續資料判讀和分析。
      由Western blot 和免疫組織化學染色顯示80 KDa HSA在梅花鹿雄鹿的睪丸,無論角週期皆有表現。對雄鹿進行Peptide NT of 80 KDa HSA的主動免疫亦會造成精子凝集的現象,使精子活力下降。效果與效期是未來改進的目標。
      台灣梅花鹿之防治圍欄可依實際需求選擇一般圍欄或電圍欄。一般圍欄建議網高150公分以上、10公分網目大小的硬網。電圍欄則建議網高90公分至135公分,高度90公分以下之網線間距建議在10公分以下,而高度90公分以上之網線間距建議在22公分以下。電網網線材質可選用辨識度高、架設輕便且成本較低之poly tape網線。
      建議在適當地點設置具備working facilities的固定捕捉與留置設施,可以兼顧人員與動物安全,也可減低操作的人力需求以及時間和金錢的花費。
      1. Introduction
      Kenting National Park re-bred and reintroduced sika deer(Cervus nippon taiouanus)actively in the past several decades. The operation was successful, the population of sika deer grow up stably in the Kenting National Park. However, which have a negative impact on the crops, forests and transportation. Therefore, the issue of sika deer in Kenting should be addressed. The basic ecological information of sika deer such as age structure, sex ratio, pregnancy rate, birth rate, fawns' survival rate still lacks in Kenting. So, the basic ecological information collection is currently the primary work, but also the important foundation of sika deer management in the future.
      2. Methods
      To investigated the distribution of sika deer in the south-eastern area of Kenting national park, we splited the area into grids and set up the auto-trigger camera at every grid. The amount of sika deer in four grids was investigated by unmanned aerial vehicle, then we generated a regression formulation between the occurrence index and density of sika deer. Finally, we estimated the population of every grid with the regression formulation.
      We used serum antibody titers, genital observation, and birth rate to assess the efficacy by active immunization with GnRH vaccine on does. For bucks, we observed the expression of peptide NT of 80 KDa HSA in the testis by sperm microscopy, western blot and immunohistochemistry, and the effect of active immunization with peptide NT of 80 KDa HSA on Sperm Motility by sperm microscopy.
      For sika deer capture, we designed the remote monitoring and auto-catch trap and we began pre-bait in the field.
      Fence test was in order to find the suitable height and interval of the fence. The electric fence test was both set in the Sheding sika deer research center and the farm on the south bank of the Kangkou river. The wire fence test was in the Sheding sika deer research center.
      For temporal and spatial of deer damage of crops, we interviewed farmers, compared with the deer damage data of last several years, then we summarize and digitalized the data above by geographic information system.
      3. Findings
      The relative amount of sika deer in south-eastern Kenting national park was highest in the uplifted coral reef nature reserve and the Sheding area, decreasing to the periphery. Total amount of sika deer in 37 grids were about 1572.1. Surrounding the Longluan lake area, sika deer distribution area was limited to the west bank woodland of Longluan lake.
      The GnRH vaccine used in our experiments was effective for does contraception. GnRH vaccine can be used for deer birth control in the wild, and for quantity regulation in deer research center or deer farms.
      Results of western blot and immunohistochemistry showed that the 80 KDa HSA was expressed in the testis of bucks. Active immunization on the Bucks with Peptide NT of 80 KDa HSA can also cause sperm agglutination, reducing sperm motility.
      Wire fence net height was recommended 150 cm or more. The height of electric fence was recommended 90 cm to 135 cm. The interval of wires under 90 cm below was recommended 10 cm, while the electric wire was higher than 90 cm, the wire interval was recommended about 22 cm. For the wire material, we recommend the poly-tape wire, which had the higher visibility, easy installation and lower cost.
      The distribution of deer damages of crops in Kenting area concentrated on Kangkou village, the agricultural area around No. 200 county road. Therefore, we should take this area as the focus of prevention, and control and monitor the population dynamic of the sika deer in the future.
      4. Suggestions
      (1) Set deer fence at the high population density area of sika deer in Kenting national park.
      (2) Take measures to control the deer population at high population density area of sika deer.
      英文關鍵字: Birth control, Formosan sika deer, camera trapper, deer damage, GnRH vaccine
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