      本研究在龍鑾潭共設置27處鳥類調查樣點及一條穿越線。調查頻率為每月1次,遷移季節(春過境 4月~5月,秋過境 9月~10月)調查2次。調查結果並與100年度(2011-2012)之資料做比較,檢測龍鑾潭鳥類相在七年間的變化。此外,藉由QGIS (Quantum GIS)軟體分析各樣點之周邊地景組成,探討不同棲地類型與鳥種豐富度及多樣性之間的關係。南仁湖地區的鳥類監測則分為森林步道及湖區兩部分,每月調查1次,調查結果將與往年(2013-2014)資料做比較,探討五年間鳥類相的變化情形。另外,本計畫於龍鑾潭周邊的有機與非有機稻作區各選取兩塊水稻田放置燈光防治設備(試驗組),測試其防治效果。雁鴨危害調查在108年1月份進行,每3天進行一次雁鴨腳印及秧苗危害記錄,檢測不同稻作區、試驗組與控制組之間是否有顯著差異。
      本計畫於龍鑾潭地區共記錄到15目48科133種鳥類,並發現3種新紀錄種,分別為黃頸黑鷺(Ixobrychus flavicollis)、八色鳥(Pitta nympha)及灰頭椋鳥(Sturnia malabarica),加上歷年統計資料,目前共累積280種鳥類。龍鑾潭地區鳥種豐富度最高的兩個月為候鳥過境高峰的9月(秋季)及4月(春季),而豐富度最低的月份則集中在夏季。本研究比較7年間龍鑾潭地區鳥種豐富度之變化,結果顯示本年度各月份的鳥種豐富度都較100年度高,且不論留鳥或候鳥的豐富度在兩年度間都具有顯著差異。此外,草潭地區的鳥類多樣性也明顯較過去提高,尤其候鳥具顯著差異,顯示墾丁國家公園管理處在2014年及之後在草潭地區陸續進行之棲地改善工作已產生正面的影響。本研究也發現27個調查樣點的周邊次生林灌叢比例若增加,鳥種的豐富度及多樣性會隨之下降,但若棲地的異質性提高則鳥類多樣性也會明顯提高。
      本研究於南仁湖地區共記錄到26科54種鳥類。本年度之調查也發現藍腹鷴(Lophura swinhoii)、台灣叢樹鶯(Locustella alishanensis)、黃腹琉璃(Niltava vivida)、灰斑鶲(Muscicapa griseisticta)、野鴝(Calliope calliope)及綠啄花(Dicaeum minullum)等6種新紀錄種。自2012年至2019年6月,南仁湖地區目前共累積86種鳥類。藉由比較102年度(2013-2014年)與本年度之調查資料,發現五年間當地12種常見留鳥的密度有顯著差異,102年度常見留鳥的平均密度為0.26 ind./ha,本年度的平均密度則為0.21 ind./ha,顯示這12種常見留鳥之族群密度在過去五年有減少的趨勢。
      Both Longluan Lake and Nanren Lake in the Kenting National Park were named national important wetland in 2015. Longluan Lake is one of the most important stopover sites for migratory birds in southern Taiwan; while Nanren Lake is the largest lake ecosystem in Nanrenshan Ecological Protected Area. This study aims to monitor bird populations of the two lakes and compare to data collected 5-7 years ago. Another purpose is to test a new lighting device for scaring wild ducks away from paddy fields at a nearby community around Longluan Lake.
      [Material and Methods]
      We followed previous studies and set up 27 point count stations and a transect line around Longluan Lake. Bird survey was conducted monthly, and twice a month during migration season (April-May, September-October). Habitat types of the 27 stations were sampled and calculated by QGIS (Quantum GIS), and the relationship between habitat diversity and bird diversity was analyzed. Avifauna along a 4-km trail and around lake area was surveyed monthly at Nanren Lake. The results from both wetlands were compared to previous datasets to detect changes in bird diversity in a period of 5-7 years. Finally, we tested the effectiveness of the light device for scaring ducks in paddy fields. This part of study was carried out in January right after farmers planted their rice seedlings into the paddy fields. The light device was set up for two paddy fields in both organic and non-organic plots. We recorded the number of duck footprints and damage on seedlings in each treatment field and its surrounding paddy fields (control) periodically, and tested the difference of duck damage between plots and treatment fields through a repeated measures design.
      [Results and Discussion]
      We have recorded 133 bird species for the past year at Longluan Lake, including 3 new record species: the Black Bittern (Ixobrychus flavicollis), Fairy Pitta (Pitta nympha), and Chestnut-tailed Starling (Sturnia malabarica). This made the birdlist of Longluan Lake into 280 species in total. Bird species richness reached the greatest in September and April, the migration season, and dwindled to the lowest in summer months. Compared with data collected in 2011-2012, species richness in 2018-2019 was significantly higher than the previous study in both resident and migratory species. In addition, species richness at Caotan (Grass Pond) also increased than 4 years ago, especially for migratory species. Bird diversity of the 27 point count stations at Longluan Lake showed a significantly positive correlation with habitat diversity. However, the percentage of woods within 100 m radius of point count stations exhibited a negative effect on bird diversity.
      The efficiency of the light device for frightening wild ducks was conducted at a nearby community around Longluan Lake, including 40 paddy fields in organic plot and 49 fields in non-organic plot. The damage on rice seedlings caused by wild ducks was significantly lower in treatment fields than in control ones and also greater in organic plot than in non-organic plot. This implies the effectiveness of the light device in scaring wild ducks. Furthermore, we also found that seedling damage by wild ducks is positively correlated with the distance from the nearest road. This finding further revealed that moving objects with light and sound (like cars) have frightening effect on wild ducks.
      A total of 54 species of birds were found at Nanren Lake. Of them, six new record species were discovered: Swinhoe’s Pheasant (Lophura swinhoii), Taiwan Bush-Warbler (Locustella alishanensis), Vivid Niltava (Niltava vivida), Gray-streaked Flycatcher, (Muscicapa griseisticta), Siberian Rubythroat (Calliope calliope), and Plain Flowerpecker (Dicaeum minullum). The total bird species has accumulated to 86 species since 2012. Compared with data collected during 2013-2014, bird density of 12 common resident species in 2018-2019 have decreased significantly from 0.26 ind./ha to 0.21 ind./ha. at Nanren Lake Area.
      英文關鍵字: bird diversity, habitat diversity, important wetland, Longluan Lake,
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