      高醫團隊於2012-2014年因執行「墾丁國家公園陸域長期生態監測計畫(國家重要濕地長期生態監測)」,首次在南仁湖進行鳥類調查。2017年為持續對南仁湖國家重要濕地鳥類相進行監測,也於下半年秋、冬季進行過 6次的鳥類調查。如今五年過去了,為檢視南仁湖鳥類相是否隨時間而有所變化,因此從2022年起再度進行鳥類監測,今年為連續第二年的監測工作。2023年2-12月間我們共完成了8次調查,總共記錄到23科38種鳥類,與前一年11次調查的30科52種比較,略少了些,但今年度的努力量相對也較少。2013、2017、2022及2023四個年度中秋、冬季共同出現的13種森林鳥類,年度間的密度平均值差異很小,不具顯著差異(ANOVA, F3,48 = 0.053, P = 0.98)。足見該處森林鳥類相當穩定,十年間變化不大。今年持續記錄到藍腹鷴(Lophura swinhoii),且雌、雄都有看到,值得進一步觀察注意牠們是否在此繁殖下一代。檢視今年湖區鳥類多樣性指數,與2013年及2022年最接近,但較2017年(水位高出約30公分)來得高,這幾年都以鷺科及雁鴨科鳥類居多,並未記錄到如2012年泥灘地裸露時鷸鴴科鳥類大量出現的景象。推測水位高低會明顯影響到出現在湖區內的鳥類類群及其多樣性,因此未來在經營管理上需特別思考水位調節的重要性。
      英文摘要:For conducting the project entitled “Long-term terrestrial ecological monitoring on important wetlands in Kenting National Park,” Kaohsiung Medical University had initially done bird surveys at Nanren Lake during 2012-2014. In 2017, we did another 6 trips in the second half of the year, and resumed the surveys in 2022 and 2023 to further monitor the trend of bird populations at this important wetland site. In this year, we conducted 8 trips and recorded 38 bird species. For forest birds, we compared data from 5 transect counts in autumn and winter of 2023, 2022, 2017 and 2013, and found that the average densities of 13 common bird species were roughly the same among different years (ANOVA, F3,48 = 0.053, P = 0.98). The result indicates that forest birds are very stable across the 10-year period. Surprisingly, Swinhoe's Pheasant (Lophura swinhoii) that was firstly recorded in 2022 was also sighted this year with both male and female individuals. Bird diversity index of wetland birds in this year was similar to those of 2013 and 2022, but higher than that of 2017 (with a water level 30 cm higher than those of the other three years). Therefore, we consider water level is a critical issue in management strategy at Nanren Lake, and the authority should increase habitat diversity across seasons to increase bird diversity by controlling water level in the lake.
      英文關鍵字:Nanren Lake、bird surveys
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