      主辦機關: 墾丁國家公園管理處
      協辦機關: 國立自然科學博物館、農業試驗所所昆蟲標本館
       長期性建議
      英文摘要:With the diversified terrain and tropical climate, Kenting National Park have breed a rich and fertile vegetation ranging from upland to coast with a full variety of living species. There are 8 insect funna research reports before 1988, which and concluded 513 species whithin the park. And there are 217 species records in protected area Nanrensan. According to the data bank of TaiBif, there are 20,712 insecta species records that comprise 25 orders, 587 families and 7,838 genera. This data implies that with the unique habitats of Kenting National Park, there should be more insect species that need further investigation. With the research time gap in around twenty years, it will be meaningful to conduct a long term survey of insect funna in Kenting National Park. The goals of this project are to obtain the insect funna list in five main sampling sites inside this park. The sampling sits includes typical habitats of this park, which is costal forest, elevated coral reefs, tropical forest and stream habitat. Those sampling sites are Siangjiao Bay, Sheding, Kenting Forest Recreation Area, Nanrenshan and Lanren River. Based on the insect list, we will obtain the diversity of insect funna in different kinds of habitat.
      This project starts from March 26th 2010. Field survey were conducted almost every moth with night collection trips in total. The collection method includes hand-collecting, net sweeping and canopy sweeping, pit-fall, dung-trap, Malaise trap, flight intercept traps (FITs), Winkler’s bag, night trap and aquatic insect survey (hand and Surber’s sampler). All specimens were treated according to the unique technique of each taxon under dried condition or stored in 85% or 75% alcohol to make species identification feasible. There are over 12,500 numbers of insects collected at the end of this year. Taxonomists were invited for species identifications. The checklists indentified include: Isoptera, Suborder Heteroptera (Order Hemiptera), Subfamily Scarabaeinae (Order Coleoptera), Family Chrysomelidae (Order Coleoptera), Order Coleoptera (Superfamily Cucujoidea, Superfamily Scarabaeoidea and Superfamily Tenebrionoidea), Order Phasmida. There are four species lists that need further confirm by taxonomists, which are: Suborder Rhopalocera (Order Lepidoptera), Superfamily Cerambycoidea (Order Coleoptera), Order Odonata and Family Formicidae (Order Hymenoptera). Three hundred and ninety-four species were identified in this year, and there are other 1,151 morphospecies (in 17 orders) not identified。There are 18 new record genus, 36 new record species, 11 new species, 19 endemic species, 2 endemic subspecies and 3 endangered species。The total species number estimated are 1,545 species, 19 orders, 50 families and 275 genera. All the specimens were kept in National Museum of Natural Science or Agricultural Research Institute.
      This project comes to the immediate and long-term strategies.
      For immediate strategies:
      This project invites taxonomists for species identification, in consideration for long term cooperation, it is suggest payment for identification should be planned in advance. KTNP agrees that the taxanomists have the right of publishing new species record, the announcements of new species lists will be after scientific report has been made. The holotype specimens should be designate to be placed in National Museum of Natural Science or in TARI. There numbers of insect specimens collection in National Museum of Natural Science which could be identified in the future if funds permit, it can deploy additional manpower to organize and preliminary identification of the work samples.
      For long-term strategies:
      This project uses nine investigation methods that cost huge manpower, material and expenses. The manpower should increase in order to facilitate the collection of specimens to obtain the largest value. The investigation activity in protected areas offers an opportunity to collect the status of visitor information, and provides recommendations to strengthen the management for effectiveness of the conservation strategies. Also, the design the research methods for the identification of species in this project, provide a platform of interconnection among taxanomist in Taiwan and around the world. Through this platform, the KTNP could not only confirm the species, but also increase the connection of the domestic and international researchers, which will enable insect funna survey in Taiwan more accurate and sophisticated. The establishment of cooperation platform can be regarded as a new approach in assessment of the effectiveness of conservation.
      英文關鍵字:Insect survey, Kenting insect funna, Insect diversity, Insect collection, Insect species list
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