      環境教育設施場所是希望透過一個域,提供的服務給師、學 生及社會大眾了解在地環境相關之保護理念 。因此 ,本研究 繼去年計畫選擇以屏東縣滿州鄉里德社區為輔導對象,進行環境教育設施場所認證導,透過設施硬體備規劃 、遊客導入 、環境教育主題課 程的修訂與測試及相 關教材準備等補足申請認證條件 ,並培訓社區環境教育專責人員進行主題課程 解說及 現勘 審查。成果如下 :
      一、在今年 04月底前已輔導里德社區繳交申請文件給行政院環保署境護人 員訓練所。
      二、完成次現勘審查 之模擬,並對委員給予的建議進行修正。於 107年 09月 21日完成正式的現勘審查。
      三、協助里德社區完成申請文件現勘審查之報告簡及訓練等 ,並 依據里德社區所有之物品協助完成現勘審查 場地布置 。
      四、已完成 30小時以上的課程培訓 ,課程包含主題訓練與教案修正。
      五、完成並持續修正 4套主題課程教案 ,分別為「慢遊欖仁溪」、 鷹揚里德分別為「慢遊欖仁溪」、 鷹揚里德分別為「慢遊欖仁溪」、 鷹揚里德分別為「慢遊欖仁溪」、 鷹揚里德「食在有藝」、豬朥束文化之旅。 「食在有藝」、豬朥束文化之旅。 「食在有藝」、豬朥束文化之旅。 「食在有藝」、豬朥束文化之旅。
      六、與 7個社區發展協會、 4所學校、地方企業及政府皆有合作關係 ,其中 部分學校已在輔導下建立農食基地。
      七、截至 107年 02月至 11月底已發布 107則 FB貼文 ,粉絲團由 3,206人增加 至 3,636人,期間 10月份因鷹季關係獲注度為最高。
      八、協助里德社區建置完成窯灶六組 褙版海報及主題課程教材設 計等硬體置。
      英文摘要:Environmental education facility and field is to educate school students and the public who comprehend local environment and related environment protection concepts. This research continued last year’s evaluation and chose Lide community, Manchou Township, Pingtung County as a Environmental Education Facility And Field(EEFF). Assist Lide community with EEFF Certification examination by planning facilities and hardware devices, marketing local culture events and revising and examining environmental education courses to reach the EEFF standard. Furthermore, Train local community staff to be environmental education staff by environmental subject course and tests. Here are the results below:
      I. Lide community submitted application to Environmental Professionals Training Institute, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan in April 2018.
      II. Attained 2 simulation tests of field inspection and took the field inspection on 21, September.
      III. Assisted Lide community submitted application, field inspection report, training report and so on, and the resource of Lide community’s presentation for the Evaluation.
      IV. Finished above 30 hours training which included environmental subject courses and lesson plans’ revise.
      V. Attained and continued revising 4 set of environmental subject courses, which are 1. Slow tour in Lanren Rvier. 2. Chinese sparrowhawk viewing 3. Local agricultural vegetable and fruit cooking. 4. Cilasoaq culture tour.
      VI. Cooperated with 7 local community development associations, 4 schools, enterprises and government. And part of school built Food Agriculture Education basements.
      VII. As of February 11, 2018, 107 posts were on Facebook, fans page population from 3,206 up to 3,636. During October eagle season, fans page got the highest attention.
      VIII. Help Lide community to build kiln stove, 6 set of backboard posters, Environmental subject lesson plans and hardware devices.
      IX. Promote Lide community to Kaohsiung City and southern Taiwan school of all kinds and levels that attracted more groups visiting.
      Keywords: Lide Community、Environmental Education Facility And Field
      英文關鍵字:Lide Community、Environmental Education Facility And Field
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