      近年來萬里桐海域潮間帶的生態資源因不當的遊憩行為及採捕壓力,造成生物多樣性的急遽下降。在墾丁國家公園第四次通盤檢討後,將萬里桐海域,由原本的海洋遊憩區海底公園 (海公二) ,變更為海域生態保護區 (海生一) ,以復育海洋生態系。本計畫針對保護區範圍內潮間帶進行棘皮與軟體動物資源及棲地研究,瞭解資源現況及困境,以期後續經營管理,並與萬里桐當地民眾參與探討萬里桐海域朝向保護區環境教育模式的可能性。
      英文摘要:In recent years, the ecological resources of the intertidal zone in the Wanlitong have declined due to inappropriate recreational behavior and catching pressure. After the fourth overall review of Kenting National Park, Conservation zoning of the Wanlitong area was changed from the marine recreation area to the marine ecological protection area to restore the marine ecosystem. This project researchs on the resources and habitats of Echinodermata and Mollusca in the intertidal zone within the protected area to understand the current status of the resources, with a view to the following management, and participate with the local people in Wanlitong to discuss the possibility of the protection area which turning to the environmental education site. In terms of quantitative survyes research, three crossing lines were used to record species, numbers, and their microhabitat environment. Qualitative survyes were conducted covered in the Wanlitong marine ecological protected area, And survey the abundance of Echinodermata and Mollusca species in the tide pool near the crossing line.
      Biological results show that the Ophiocoma scolopendrina (Lamarck, 1816) is the most dominant species in the intertidal zone of Wanlitong. The longest north transect belt has the most number of organisms; the middle transect belt has the least number of species. The top five dominant species in the Wanlitong intertidal zone: O. scolopendrina, Isognomon legumen (Gmelin, 1791), Tenguella granulata (Duclos, 1832), Monetaria annulus (Linnaeus, 1758), and Cryptasterina pentagona (Muller & Troschel, 1840), and different species have their own microhabitats. O. scolopendrina are distributed in the crevices of the reefs under the water. I. legume inhabits the crevices of intertidal reefs. T. granulate are mainly found on the surface of moist reefs. M. annulus are usually found in reef cavities at middle and low tides. C. pentagona prefers to be under rocks without algae coverage at high tide. The qualitative survyes recorded a total of 236 species in 92 families in 3 phyla, which including 50 species in 23 families of Arthropods, 36 species in 15 families are Echinoderms, and 150 species in 54 families of Molluscs, most species are common species in Hengchun Peninsula. The results show that not only understanding the species distribution and monitoring, it can also be used as a material for ecological education.
      In terms of community, through the communication and workshop with the people who live in Wanlitong community , they have a tendency to reduce the conflict coefficient about the marine reserve area that planned by Kenting National Park. They have also shown a willingness to jointly carry out the environmental education project in the marine reserve. The management methods of environmental education project in the Kenting National Park reserve now (reservation , docent certification, carrying capacity management, etc.), maybe not suitable for Wanlitong, we suggest still need to be further studied and discussed for the operation of the Wanlitong community. Preliminary assessment is that the Wanlitong Reserve have the opportunity for the development of environmental education project. But It is still to overcome the current lack of indoor classrooms, continue to communicate with the community through the counseling team, training and management of human resources who can assist in ecological monitoring,and can docent the right knowledge about the Intertidal zone. The most important is keep on strengthen the people recognition of the natural conservation values of the reserve.
      In the next step, we suggest continuous to monitoring of intertidal zone organisms, could be clarify whether the ocean ecosystem impact by pollution of the oil pipeline broken, on the other hand, train local people who are interested in environmental education through citizen science can integrate people's participation and at the same time increase knowledge of marine organisms. Second, through the environmental education courses to train people to become marine interpreter. Third, based on current protected areas management mechanism and develop a suitable method for Wanlitong intertidal zone .
      英文關鍵字:Wanlitong, intertidal zone, environmental education, community participation
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