      、 農業害蟲控制 、提供教育及遊憩觀賞等多種生態系統服務功能。蝙蝠對環境變動及人為干擾敏感,可做為反應環境變化的指標生物。墾丁國家公園幅員廣大,並具有多樣的棲地類型,過去雖有蝙蝠的調查資料,但調查範圍多侷限在特定區域或洞穴等特定棲所 因此有必要進行全面性的調查。
      其 棲所的利用。調查方式包括收集過去蝙蝠相關文獻、蝙蝠網具捕捉、蝙蝠超音波偵
      所調查所記錄 到的資料,包含蝙蝠 種類與 數量、人為干擾程度等分析蝙蝠洞穴易危
      指數,以了解蝙蝠洞穴棲所受到威脅之程度,以利擬定經營管理及保育優先順序 。
      自109年 2月至 110年 11月,本計畫 現地調查 共記錄到 4科 15種蝙蝠,以 臺灣
      大蹄鼻蝠、 臺灣小蹄鼻蝠 、 東亞摺翅蝠、 東亞家蝠、堀川氏棕蝠 有較高的相對豐富度 。
      綜合 本計畫調查結果 與 文獻紀錄,墾丁國家公園共記錄到 16種蝙蝠 。文獻中有使用蝙
      蝠超音波偵測器記錄到 長趾鼠耳蝠 音頻,本研究有錄到許多鼠耳蝠的音頻,但鼠耳蝠
      屬的物種音頻非常類似,為避免誤判,僅鑑定到鼠耳蝠屬 。
      目前已調查18處 洞穴 、碉堡 、 坑道 和廢棄房舍 之潛在 蝙蝠 棲所 ,在其中 17處共
      記錄 6種蝙蝠, 包含保育類 臺灣 無尾葉鼻蝠。 初步蝙蝠洞穴易危指數評估顯示 國家公
      園範圍內 各 洞穴人為干擾所帶來的威脅程度並不高 ,僅 位於赤牛嶺之防空洞需要關切
      棲地干擾的強度 。
      英文摘要:Bats are widely distributed in the world. Bats provide several ecosystem services, such as seed dispersal, pollination, and pest control. Bats are sensitive to climatic and environmental changes and thus they can serve as a good biological indactor. The Kenting National Park comprises diverse types of habitat that are suitable for bats. Only a few studies investigated bats of Kenting National Park, and most of them were conducted in certain localities or caves. This project aims to understand bat species composition, distribution, and relative abundance of Kenting National Park. We first extracted bat data from previous studies. Secondly, we investigated bats using net and harp traps and bat ultrasound detectors. We also explored caves and recorded bat richness and abundcance, and determined the degree of human disturbances of each bat cave. Accordingly, we calculated the biological potential (BP) and biotic vulnerability index (BV) of each bat cave. We evaluated bat cave ulnerability index (BCVI) by combining BP and BV. From February 2020 to November 2021, we recorded 15 bat species within the Kenting National Park. Among the species, Rhinolophus formosae, R. monoceros, Miniopterus fuliginosus, Pipistrellus abramus and Eptesicus pachyomus horikawai were more abundant than others. This project is the first to investigate bats in Nanjenshan Nature Reserve. We found 15 bat species in Nanjenshan Nature Reserve. We investigated 18 caves and found bats in 17 of them. We found that six bat species including the protected C. frithii formosanus roosted in the caves. According to the BCVI, we found most of the bat caves do not face immediate threats from human disturbance. The only bat cave needs special concerns is the Chihniuling dugout because it contains a large number of C. frithii formosanus. We propose three management recommendations: 1. Many bats species are forest-dependent, thus maintain the forest-type habitats is crucial. 2. The Chihniuling dugout is an important roost for the rare Coelops frithii formosanus and warrants special concerns. For those caves with a relatively high BP (a higher species richness or contain
      protected species), we suggest to develop a long term monitoring project to understand the fluctuation of population. 3. Our results provide comprehensive information of bat species composition, distribution, roost and habitat requirements of each bat, which can be used for ecological education. We do not encourage any educational activities that involve direct contact with bats. The bat ultrasound detectors, however, are good tools to show the visitors where the bats are and where they forage without disturbances. A few bat caves have a potential to be developed as a place for eco-tourism. A bat folded flyer is helpful for the visitors to quickly understand the bat resources of the Kengting National Park.
      中文關鍵字:翼手目、物種組成、超音波偵測器、棲所利用、蝙蝠洞穴易危指數 (BCVI)
      英文關鍵字:chiroptera, species composition, bat acoustic detector, roost, BCVI
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