      107年度調查14個海域測站,後壁湖保育區 (2018年11月22日與2019年8月7日) 、墾丁與凱撒測站(2019年5月6日),大腸桿菌群數量未符合甲類海域之標準(1000 cfu/100 ml)。凱撒測站(2018年11月22日)氨氮(0.546mg/L) 未符合甲類海域之標準;凱撒與佳樂水測站(2019年8月7日) 生化需氧量(BOD5) 未符合甲類海域之標準(< 2.0mg/L),其餘皆符合環保署公告保護生活環境之甲類海域水質標準。鹽度與營養鹽呈現顯著負相關;生化需氧量與濁度及懸浮固體呈現顯著正相關;且懸浮固體與生化需氧量、營養鹽呈現顯著正相關;表示海域測站鹽度受淡水輸入的影響(降雨、陸上逕流與排放溝渠等),導致海域沿岸營養鹽與耗氧性物質的增加。另外,由於SiO2-Si主要來自淡水溪流與排放溝渠,表4-1顯示SiO2-Si與氨氮呈現顯著正相關與大腸桿菌群(Total Coliform)呈現正相關的趨勢(p = 0.052),說明淡水的輸入間接影響海域水質與大腸桿菌群的數量。
      英文摘要:The Kenting National Park (KTNP), including the landmass area and nearshore waters, is located at the southernmost tip of Taiwan. The nearshore water region, supports one of the highest marine biological diversities within Taiwan. Most of the coral reefs in Taiwan are fringing reefs that are located in shallow areas near the coast; hence they are readily influenced by human activities. Coral reef ecosystems are interconnected given the lack of significant barriers to water flow in marine environments, and so if point-source pollution is documented at one site, it is possible that its detrimental influence may spread. Consequence, this project can find solutions for the impacts ofsewage discharge mentioned above on marine environments and to provide information for the authorities. The public can then be more concerned about the issues on environmental protection and ecological conservation, and the government can then take appropriate actions to manage the coastal environmental more effectively and to reverse the current deteriorating situation.
      We collected seawater samples around the nearshore waters of KTNP from 19 different collection sites from Nov. 2018 to Feb. 2019. Immediately after collection, water samples were analyzed for hydrographical, chemical, and ecological parameters. Quality control for sampling equipment and for field measurement procedures, such as temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen, were conducted following our governmental QA/QC regulations. The remaining water samples were preserved at 4℃ and returned to the laboratory for analysis of the following chemical and biomass parameters: temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, total suspended solids, BOD5, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphorus, silicate, chlorophyll a and collforms. The QA/QC system includes a complete description of all the sample custody and chain-of-custody procedures, forms, documentation, and personnel responsibility necessary to ensure both scientific credibility and the legal defensibility of the data obtained from the samples involved in the project.
      This study under the support of the Kenting National Park Headquarters, conducted water quality monitoring in coral reef ecosystem of the Kenting National Park. Monitoring programs include temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, total suspended solids, BOD5, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphorus, silicate, chlorophyll a and total coliform. The survey of 4 cruises shows Hou-Bi-Hou(Nov, 2018 and Aug, 2019)、kenting and Caesar (May, 2019) exceed limitation of water quality standard A (Total Coliform < 1000 cfu/100 ml and NH3-N <0.3 mg/L). Caesar and Gia-Lo-Shuei were exceed limitation of BOD5(< 2 mg/L). The negative correlation between salinity and nutrients around the 14 monitoring seawater stations. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between SiO2-Si and total coliform. River pollution index (RPI) of the main rivers range from unpolluted to moderately polluted in KTNP. The results show the main factors were nutrients which negatively correlated of salinity. The decrease of salinity was related with natural climate rainfall which runoff leads to increase nutrients (nitrate, Silicate, phosphate and ammonia nitrogen) in coastal waters
      KTNP is justifiably popular among both domestic and international tourists. However, increasing tourist numbers threaten to place an excessive burden on the natural environment by way of increasing coastal development, fisheries activities, sewage and other pollutant discharge, and consequent eutrophication. To prevent continual degradation of the coral reef environment, it is important to take a composite look at the potential factors that may cause harm to this fragile ecosystem. Herein, we introduce the impacts of humans activities on the coral reef ecosystems of KTNP as documented by kenting marine environmental monitoring program, with a special emphasis on water quality and the impact of increasing tourism, in order to draw greater attention to such threats. The excessive nutrients from the sewage, which also includes chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in local agriculture, eventually discharge into coastal waters during periods of heavy rainfall. The KTNP coral reef ecosystems are on an ongoing trajectory of degradation, as evidenced by regional patterns of coral and fish declines. Efforts to determine how seawater quality changes affect the coral reef environments of KTNP. As such, there is a need long-term collection data to monitor seawater quality within KTNP.

      英文關鍵字:Kenting National Park, Nutrients, River pollution index
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