      一、 計畫緣起
      二、 研究方法與過程
      龍鑾潭水質調查結果顯示,水質均屬未(稍)受污染至輕度污染的等級,但是卡爾森指數計算結果呈現優養的狀態。魚類共調查到7科12種,外來種魚類則新增1種,為麗魚科的橘色雙冠麗魚(Amphilophus citrinellu)。底棲生物共調查到21科26種,數量以石田螺(Sinotaia quadrata)最多,其次為瘤蜷(Thiara granifera),與歷年的調查結果相比仍屬穩定。浮游植物有5門32種、附著藻類3門43種與浮游動物3大類26種,群聚組成以輕度至中度污染的物種為主但是隱鞭藻(Cryptomonas sp.)與顫藻(Oscillatoria tenius)的數量偏多,顯示水質有出現優養化的現象。第1次調查結果水體中也出現大量對於水生生物會產生弱毒性的裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sp.),因此應多加留意該藻類與水質的變化。各項生物指數計算水質環境評估結果,龍鑾潭大致為中度污染。龍鑾潭目前環境穩定,主要常態性的污染來源為南側注入水,而秋季與冬季的大批鷺科與候鳥過境與棲息時所產生的排泄物,也額外提供龍鑾潭部分的污染來源,其造成的影響主要為水中的大腸桿菌及總菌數會有所以增加。此外,需注意人為放生以及管制人為捕捉石蚌(Unio douglasiae taiwanicus)及釣魚的問題。
      馬鞍山橋水質處於中度至嚴重污染的狀態,而南側入水口則處於輕度至中度污染的狀態。兩處樣點的魚類都調查到4科4種,底棲生物23科33種都是以中高耐污性的物種為主。此兩處樣點浮游植物有6門45種,附著藻類與浮游動物分別有3門44種與3大類12種,群聚組成來看,兩處樣點都處於輕度至中度污染的狀態,但是南側入水口出現大量的蕈頂蟲(Arcella sp.),顯示南側入水口的水體有機質含量偏高。各項生物指數計算水質環境評估結果,馬鞍山橋與南側入水口也都介於中度污染至嚴重污染之間。
      草潭水質調查結果顯示,水質為輕度至中度污染的等級,但是卡爾森指數計算結果也呈現優養的狀態。魚類共調查到2科3種,而底棲生物則有23科31種,都是以中耐污性的生物為主。浮游植物有6門20種,附著藻類與浮游動物分別有3門23種與3大類11種,雖然都以輕度至中度污染物種為主,但是隱鞭藻(Cryptomonas sp.)與顫藻(Oscillatoria tenius)的數量偏多,顯示水質有優養化的情形。各項生物指數計算水質環境評估結果,草潭處於輕度至中度污染之間。草潭目前因為人為棲地營造環境變動較大,將持續觀察後續水質及生物的變化狀況,以及管制人為捕捉石蚌(Unio douglasiae taiwanicus)與釣魚的問題。
      南仁湖水質調查結果顯示,調查結果水質均屬未(稍)受污染的狀態,但是卡爾森指數計算結果也呈現優養的狀態。魚類共調查到3科5種,但是生物量以外來種較高。底棲生物則有20科42種,不同於龍鑾潭的底棲生物以蝦類與螺貝類為主,南仁湖則是以水生昆蟲為主。浮游植物6門46種、附著藻類與浮游動物分別有4門51種與4大類22種,都以輕度至中度污染物種為主。此外,南2至南4調查到較多的蕈頂蟲(Arcella sp.),顯示水中的有機質較多,應是來自水生或濱水植物死亡分解後的有機碎屑。而各項生物指數計算水質環境評估結果,南仁湖處於輕度至中度污染之間。南仁湖目前水位調控維持在水閘門高度40公分的水位高度,現今水質及底棲生物趨於穩定。
      計畫類別:[環境水文] [動物生態]
      英文摘要:This project is conducted to monitor the aquatic environmental quality in the Longluan Lake, Caotan Lake, and Nanren Lake in the Ken-ting National Park (KNP), a major scenic spot in Taiwan, since 2011. The Longluan Lake is the most important habitat for overwinter birds in the K.T.N.P. The Caotan Lake is situated nearby to the Longluan Lake. The Nanrenahan Lake is the largest lentic habitat in the Nanrenshan Ecological Protected Area of KNP.
      To understand the natural resources and environmental status of these three important national wetlands in the KNP, 14 study sites were surveyed, including 6 in Longluan Lake, 1 in Caotan Lake, 5 in Nanren Lake, and 2 new sites placed on the Maanshan bridge and South channel in this project. Four seasonal samplings were made from September 2017 to June 2018. The monitoring results of this study can be used as a reference for establishing and applying mitigation measures on these lentic ecosystems by the administration of KNP.
      The scores of RPI and CTSI showed the water quality in the Longlung Lake varied from good to moderately polluted and eutrophic status, respectively. In this study, 26 species in 21 families of benthic invertebrates and 7 families of fishes were collected from the Longlung Lake. Although the water quality and aquatic communities maintained steady, the illegal fishing, invasive fishes, and wastewater emission required continuous attention for the Longlung Lake. In the Caotan Lake, the values of RPI and CTSI reflected the water quality being moderately polluted and eutrophic status respectively. There were 31 species of benthic invertebrates in 25 families, and 3 fish species. In the Nanren Lake, the values of RPI and CTSI displayed good water quality and eutrophic status, respectively. There were 42 species of benthic invertebrates in 24 families, and 5 species in 3 families of fishes. In the Nanren Lake, the water quality and aquatic community indicated steady status after retained the water level at least 40cm that began from last year. Continuous monitoring the water quality and aquatic communities in these 3 lakes are recommended in the future.
      英文關鍵字: Longluan Lake, Nanren Lake, wetland, ecosystem monitoring
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