      為接續107至109 年「墾丁國家公園社區生態旅遊產業維運管理及行銷拓展計畫」之三年研究成果,厚植墾丁國家公園社區生態旅遊經營能力,本(111)年度計畫的研究重點除了繼續110年社區營造、巡守監測、解說人員培訓、遊客導入及成效評估之工作外,將針對業者線上踩線團、eBird環境監測計畫、線上OTA平台合作遭遇問題及改善方式做更多著墨。並辦理「墾丁國家公園社區鳥類監測暨夥伴關係經驗交流座談會」,落實生態保育與公民科學。
      5.協助社區推廣既有生態行程及研發新遊程產品,(1)共推出56個之社區單一遊程,與國家公園有約活動為20項25次。(2)開發戶外教學活動5項。 (3)大學社會責任實踐計畫USR計畫合作1項。透過跨組織進行遊程的合作開發,今年度屏東大學將在暑假期間和港口、水蛙窟兩個社區合作新遊程。
      7.在網路平台方面,除各通路平台遊程價格及內容統一更新的工作外,另在臉書專頁的投入廣告費用,於(1)Klook Taiwan 客路旅行、(2)KKDAY網路平台、(3)島風行旅上架遊程。
      Keywords:Marketing, Monitoring, Community-based ecotourism, Kenting National Park
      To carry forward the capacity of community-based ecotourism management and maintain the rich outcome generated from the three-year project (2018 to 2020), Communities Ecotourism Management and Marketing Development of Kenting National Park, we’ve made a great effort in 2022 to come up with solutions to problems occurring from online trial tours for our business partners, e-Bird environmental monitoring project and online travel agent platforms. Additionally, we continue developing the communities, implementing environmental protection patrols and monitoring, organizing eco-tour guides training, increasing the visitor numbers and conducting work evaluations as we did in 2021. Also, Kenting National Park Birds Monitoring workshop was held for community monitoring guides and bird experts to share conservation outcomes and to conduct citizen science.
      Methods and Procedures
      The methods involve community companionship and assistance in three stages. The first stage is community empowerment. It includes 11 community development plannings, eco-tour guides, and personnel training and all-in-one community platform building. The second stage is to promote community-based ecotourism by preparing single or multiple activities, and to work on the marketing for eco-tour packages. The third stage is to assist the communities to complete birds and seeds monitoring, and to upload the data to eBird platform. At the end this helps to carry out the analysis according to the monitoring data.
      Outcome and Summary
      1. There were 56 community consultation sessions and workshops held from January to November, on top of which extra 11 community assistants’ meetings were held monthly. Project-related works were executed 40 times. Every month the nine communities collaborated on bird-monitoring 2 times. There were 209 bird-monitoring sessions completed.
      2. Until December, four community meetings were held.
      3. In the 2021 Advanced Certificate Program for eco-tour guides, 142 members were certified. 54 new members have joined, 15 members became beginner guides, 48 members got certified as land-based eco-tour guides and 25 members got certified as ocean-based eco-tour guides.
      4. There were 24 sessions in the eco-tour training program completed in total 64 hours.
      5. We assisted the communities to promote eco-tours and develop new tour packages. The following is the outcome. First, we launched 56 single-community-based tours, 20 of which were related to Kenting National Park events. Second, we developed five activities for school’s field trips. Third, we completed one University Social Responsibility Project. Through cross-organizational collaboration, new tour packages were developed. This year (2022), two communities, Gangkou and Shuiwaku, developed two new tour packages in collaboration with Pingtung University.
      6. We have been promoting community-based eco tours on Facebook and YouTube which were viewed by 194,449 people. 560 people signed up for the tours and 2386 people responded to the posts or videos. The advertising cost was around NT$100,000, which fulfilled the contract.
      7. As for online platforms, we’ve also updated the prices and package contents. In addition, placed advertisement on Klook Taiwan, KKDAY and Wind Travel.
      8. There were 22 charity-oriented tours organized by Lishan Eco company and 644 people participated. Subsidies were given to 644 children and teenagers to support them to participate in events held in the forest or mountain areas.
      9. In 2021, statistics show that 35,555 visitors participated in the eco-tours and the revenue reached NT$ 10.92 million.
      Main suggestions
      Suggestion 1: Enhance community self-management skills and supervise eco-tour sustainability management
      Viable suggestion: Our team will supervise and evaluate the outcome from eco-tour environmental patrols and monitoring, tour services and personnel training. We also suggest conducting observation events among communities and inviting eco-tourism professionals as consultants to analyze the current management issues that the community faces and provide solutions to optimize the operation. This can be carried out as online consultations or hands-on workshops.
      Organizer: Kenting National Park
      Co-organizer: Each eco-tour community
      Suggestion 2: Implement a system to supervise procedures for eco-tour management
      Viable suggestion: Our team suggests digitalizing the data from the accreditation platform constructed through eco-tour mentoring program, and the data generated from eco-tours such as the visitor numbers, revenue, and the satisfaction rate from google forms. In this way, the supervision data to support sustainable tourism could be complete and well-arranged.
      Organizer: Kenting National Park
      Co-organizer: Each eco-tour community
      Suggestion 3: Continue the training for eco-tour personnel and practice citizen science, as well as build up a network of community lecturers
      Viable suggestion: With a solid network of community lecturers and accreditation systems for eco-tour guides, the guides will have sufficient mental and financial support to move forward to become advanced guides. They are the ones to inspire and to create positive influence in the eco-tour communities.
      Organizer: Kenting National Park
      Co-organizer: Each eco-tour community
      英文關鍵字:Marketing, Monitoring, Community-based ecotourism, Kenting National Park
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