      墾丁地區為台灣秋季日行性遷徙猛禽的主要觀察地點,墾丁國家公園管理處已進行超過20年之遷徙猛禽監看,累積了相當豐富的資料以及重要的成果與發現。但猛禽過境之數量龐大,過境期的時程極長,管理處受制於人力有限,自2004年起借助相關民間社團的調查人力及專業能力,辦理春秋季過境猛禽族群調查計畫。赤腹鷹(Accipiter soloensis)是台灣數量最大的過境猛禽,每年秋季約10-15萬隻赤腹鷹過境墾丁,然而2014-2015年地面調查只記錄約6萬隻,不及過往的一半。為了初步評估赤腹鷹數量波動原因,本年度透過使用5g重的衛星發報器追蹤赤腹鷹的遷徙之旅,試圖了解其繁殖地、過境/期間的夜棲地,以及位於東南亞,承受著龐大開發壓力的度冬地,期望可以針對國內棲地的保存擬定保育策略,並透過國際合作交流促進推動遷徙沿線重要棲地的保存。
      本年度赤腹鷹衛星追蹤計畫使用Microwave Telemetry Inc. Solar 5g PTT-100發報器,透過ARGOS系統追蹤『墾丁一號』至『墾丁六號』共2隻雌成鳥、1隻雄成鳥及3隻幼鳥。定位獲得1個度夏地(中國山東省郯城縣)、1條『台灣墾丁-中國山東北返路線』、1條『中國山東-菲律賓Ilog南遷路線』和5條台灣墾丁至菲律賓、印尼南遷路線,南遷停留點分散於菲律賓維薩亞斯群島之薩瑪島、宿霧島、內格羅斯島、民答那峨,以及印尼蘇拉維西島。『墾丁一號』位於中國山東之度夏地環境主要為農耕地、丘陵梯田和破碎小面積闊葉樹林;『墾丁一號』至『墾丁六號』度冬地環境包含:農耕地鑲嵌破碎小面積樹林、油棕園、樹林與草生地鑲嵌植被、樹林等植被類型,海拔高度介於60m至870m。『墾丁一號』北返行經台灣恆春鎮山腳里、台南市南勢坑、嘉義市鹿寮里、台中市北坑口、苗栗縣三義鄉和苗栗縣通霄鎮;南遷時夜棲彰化縣員林市出水坑,行經雲林縣林內鄉、南投縣竹山鎮、台東縣成功鎮,並自東海岸出海未經墾丁。在台灣的夜棲環境以鄰近西部平原之阿里山山脈、雪山山脈西側以及八卦山系等海拔300m以下淺山次生林為主,受人為活動干擾頻繁並面臨龐大的開發壓力,如『墾丁一號』登陸當日的夜棲點即緊鄰備受爭議的八卦山彰化縣農會高爾夫球場開發案。
      秋季地面調查共記錄2科10種遷徙性猛禽,包括稀有種類黑冠鵑隼(Aciceda leuphotes)等。主要過境物種赤腹鷹127,495隻,較去年同期明顯增加,但數量仍略低於歷年平均133,404隻;灰面鵟鷹(Butastur indicus)37,242隻,較去年略增,接近歷年平均37,944隻。2016年灰面鵟鷹平均於第281.8±2.5太陽日進入主要過境期,本年度則於第285日始進入主要過境期,較歷年平均略晚。赤腹鷹本季於第254天進入主要過境期,過境時程與歷年大致相符。紀錄時間方面,灰面鵟鷹紀錄主要集中在05:00-07:00,以05:00-06:00間最多;赤腹鷹於調查時間內均可觀察到,但主要集中在06:00-09:00間,其中數量最多的時段為07:00-08:00,較灰面鵟鷹略晚。
      英文摘要:Kenting, the southernmost point of Taiwan, is one of the most important raptor watch sites in East Asia. Hundreds of thousands of Gray-faced Buzzard (GFB, Butastur indicus) and Chinese Sparrowhawk (CS, Accipiter soloensis) migrate through Taiwan. For the past 20 years, the autumn counting surveys were conducted at Kenting National Park to monitor the distribution and temporal pattern of migratory raptors which provides foundamental data for National park headquarters to develop conservation strategies. We also embarked a first ever satellite tracking project of Chinese Sparrowhawk this year, trying to understand their migration ecology and potential risk of habitat loss.
      The autumn counting surveys were conducted from Sep. 1st to Oct. 31st, 0530-1200. We recorded all raptor species but only included indivudials headed south in the migratory counts. Ten species of raptors were recorded this autumn, including Black Baza (Aviceda leuphotes), a rare migrant in Taiwan. We counted 127,495 CSs and 37,242 GFBs this season, and both numbers are slightly lower than historic average (2004-2015), but are higher than last year.
      An adult female Chinese Sparrowhawk (Kenting No.1) was captured with unbaited mist nets set on the ridge of southeast Hengchun Peninsula at May 10th, 2016, and we deployed a 5g satellite tag (manufactured by Microwave Telemetry, Inc.) on her. She spent the first two weeks in Taiwan. After crossing the Taiwan Strait, then picked up the speed and headed north until she arrived Shandong Province in China. We lost her signal for the next three months. This fall, we deployed 5 more satellite tags on another 5 individuals (Kenting No.2-6), one aduld male, an adult female and three juvenils. With Kenting No.1, they have all safely arrived Philippines by the end of September. After they arrived Visayas, 6 individuals took various routes through different islands and kept moving southward. Two of the six indivials stopped at Sulawesi Island, and the rest of four individuals remained on Philippines. Wintering areas include farmlands mosaic with fragmented forest, oil palm plantation, woodland and forest-edge, with altitude between 60m to 870m. Most of the roosting sites in Taiwan were located in low-altitude secondary forest close to human settlement, which face great pressure of habitat loss.
      We lost signal for all of the trackers after late Novenmber, which may be due to institutions damage, signal interference or simply because the solar panels were shaded for too long so it cannot be recharged.
      辦理單位:Raptor Migration, Kenting, Satellite tracking, Accititer soloensis, Butastur indicus
      英文關鍵字:Raptor Migration, Kenting, Satellite tracking, Accititer soloensis, Butastur indicus
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