      本研究於龍鑾潭中利用延繩釣、路亞釣法及長沉籠等方式針對線鱧(Channa striata)、斑駁尖塘鱧(Oxyeleotris marmorata)、尼羅口孵非鯽(Oreochromis niloticus niloticus)、吉利非鯽(Tilapia zillii)及三星毛足鱸(Trichogaster trichopterus)等外來種魚類進行移除。移除過程中記錄捕獲之魚種、重量及體長等資料,並利用該資料作為外來種魚類移除管理建議之基本資料。並將移除方式及經驗辦理外來種魚類移除教育訓練課程,教導社區民眾及管理單位進行外來種魚類移除。
      本計劃於7月19日至9月21日進行四次外來種魚類移除。調查期間共56人次參與,共計捕獲魚隻670尾,其中外來種魚類359隻,原生魚種311隻。除目標外來物種外亦捕獲其它非目標外來種—雙邊魚(Parambassis sp.)。
      英文摘要:[Introduction] In Taiwan, theLongluan Lake in the Ken-ting National Tropical Forest has long been recognized as an important habitat for overwinter birds. Previous studies have shown that more alien invasive fishes are having been recorded than the native fishes in the Lake. Due to its strong environmental adaptability and carnivorous diet,this alien fish has caused great negative impacts on the biodiversity of native fishes and aquatic organisms in Longluan Lake.
      [Materials and Methods] To protect the aquatic ecosystems, this study selected lure fishing, longline fishing and fyke nets to eradicate alien invasive fish—such as Channa striata, Oxyeleotris marmorata, Oreochromis niloticus niloticus, Tilapia zillii and Trichogaster trichopterus. Additionally, an "Alien Species Fish EradicatTeaching Workshop" will be held to educate the community members on the preventation, eradication, and management of invasive alien fishes. At present, we finished the fieldwork for eradicating invasive fishes, however, the workshop and the data analysis on the eradication efficiency of alien invasive fishes will be completed after finished the midterm report.
      [Results and Discussion] A totality of 670 individuals was collected by 4 readucation trips in the Longluan Lake from June to September 2017. Among them, 359 alien invasive fishes and 311 native fishes were captured. Our results show that the methods of lure fishing and longline fishing displayed effectively incatchingC. striata in natural habitat; the method of fyke nets showed meritoriously in collecting O.marmorata and T. trichopterus.The collecting mthods used in this study express similar catchability in catchingOreochromis niloticus niloticus and Tilapia zilliiduring dry-period of Longluan Lake. Based on the preliminary result, reeducation of invasive fishes is suggested to conduct in the period of lower water level of Longluan Lake. Lure fishing was recommended to be used in natural habitat, while fyke net was fit for the artificially modified environment. To catch T. trichopterus, fyke net in dry season with lower water level is suggested.
      英文關鍵字:Longluan Lake, alien fishes, invasive species, eradication of invasive species
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